Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mid-year Review: 2012

You may or may not know this, but I recently celebrated the one year anniversary of this blog (anniversary or birthday?). That's right. My first review was July 3rd, 2011. Since then, I have read and reviewed 43 books. While it's nice to celebrate the one year anniversary, I wanted to use this post to glance back at some of the goals I set at the end of last calendar year...

No spoilers: I think I've done a great job with not providing any spoilers. Right?
Consistency: For the most part, I've blogged every Sunday and I've had them up by noon (except the one time I forgot to hit publish). In fact, I have only missed 5 Sundays this year.
Focus: I said I wanted to read more biographies, memoirs, stories based on true event, and business books. I probably read more fiction than all of those combined this year. I think I am reading those more from suggestions and less because of my actual interest.
More previews: One time I mentioned a book signing and once or twice when a new book was coming out. I've been slow to review when a new book is released. I know I can do better here. Are there any specific authors people would be interested in?
Mobile: Not sure if anyone actually looks at the blog on their phone...I can't see it on my flip phone. I'm guessing it works well?

For the rest of the year, I want to read more books I enjoy. I have been somewhat generous with my ratings. I will probably get tougher on that. I also want to come up with a new rating scale. Either have the numbers mean something or completely change it (like giving out a number of waffles, similar to Willy Waffles, the guy who reviews movies for the local radio station).

I am also greatly looking forward to giving away a ton of my books for Christmas. My collection is now huge - it's almost filled all my bookshelf space. I started it last year as a gift to my close friends, but I may do a few contests during the year since I'll have so many books. I'm already excited for this.

A final thanks to everyone who reads the blog. I would still write even if no one came to the blog. But it's wayyy better to have readers.

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