Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

I said a few weeks ago that I read The Five People You Meet In Heaven to get pumped up for Mitch Albom's new book The Time Keeper. I've probably read this book four or five times now and I enjoy it every time. As I said in an earlier Albom review, Mitch is my new favorite author.

The book is about an older gentlemen who works at a waterfront amusement park. Eddie dies one day while trying to save a little girl from a defective ride. He awakens in heaven, but it is not what he expects. His life is explained to him as he meets five people who were in it. Some are loved ones he's greatly missed and some are apparent strangers. But all changed the path of his life forever.

I really like this book. It's irrespective of any particular religion. Anyone can read it. The writing style makes the story that much better. And I love thinking about this kinda stuff. Like who are the five people in my life (so far) who have changed my path forever?

My rating for The Five People You Meet In Heaven: 5 stars out of 5. Get it here!

P.S. I heard this was made into a movie...has anyone seen it?

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