Sunday, September 4, 2016

Narconomics by Tim Wainwright

Another book I stumbled upon because of good reviews. I tried the first few pages in Barnes and Noble and it was great. The book looks at drugs from an economist's perspective, comparing it to a business. The author uses terminology and comparisons like diversification, human resources, social responsibility, profits. It's an interesting way to think about drugs.

The first two-thirds of the book is about drugs and cartels, mainly in Mexico, Latin America, and South America. The last one-third focuses on online sales, legalization initiatives around the world, education, and suggestions. The book was written recently and is up to date, talking about many things you would hear about on the news. He even comments on the recent heroin epidemic.

Wainwright shows how many supply side initiatives to get rid of drugs often times end up having minimal impact, even though governments and police can twist the facts to show success. I thought his argument for regulating drugs like pharmaceutical drugs is really, really hard to discredit. It's really about consumer safety, education, knowing what is in the drugs you are taking, and how much to take. It's ironic how much more dangerous alcohol is yet it's socially acceptable.

Whether you are for or against drugs - using, legalizing, whatever it may be - this is a good read to become more educated. Personally, I don't have any skin in the game on this subject. Narconomics is the perfect example of a book that serves as a way to educate oneself and learn more about something, allowing one to develop a better informed and well reasoned opinion. Just because you pick up a book on a subject does not mean that you support or are against the topic or person.

For what it's worth, my dad read this book a few days after I did. It usually takes him weeks to finish a book, but he got through this one in two days. He thought it was insightful, too.

My rating for Narconomics: 5 starts out of 5. Get it here!

P.S. I recognize I've been giving out a lot of 4's and 5's...have my ratings become too easy? I don't think so. Rather, I think I've hit a hot streak of some of the best books out there.

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