Sunday, August 27, 2017

1984 by George Orwell

Another back-dated post (see the intro in the Good Calories, Bad Calories review). This was the third book club book. Sadly, this was the last book club book of 2017. We tried to read The Leftovers, but we couldn't find a time to meet. Good news is we are hoping to start up again in 2018.

I have to admit after reading Catch-22 I was a little hesitant to read another classic. But 1984 was much better. It was an easier read and the storyline was entertaining. 1984 takes place in a country that is perpetually in war, monitored by the government, and where pretty much everything in life is manipulated. There are social classes, propaganda, and more. The story is about a man who rebels and tries to find out the truth.

With these classic books, I like to comment on how suitable each is for high school kids. I do not remember reading 1984 in high school, but this is one of the rare classics I have come across where I believe kids should be reading it as part of the curriculum. It is readable, relevant, and significant. 

The most fascinating thing to me is this book was written in 1949. It is still relevant today (maybe even more so than back then). It definitely makes the reader think. I cannot get over how relevant it still is today.

My rating for 1984: 4 stars out of 5. Get it here!