Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Power of Moments by Chip Heath & Dan Heath


I was searching for books for my work book club and I came across The Power of Moments. I liked the topic (exactly as it sounds) and I knew this would be a good read as I enjoyed reading other books by Chip and Dan Heath.

The Power of Moments is about creating moments (vs expecting them to happen) though elevation, insight, pride, and connection. Moments can happen at peaks, milestones, or even pits. They are more memorable when they are unexpected and infrequent. Stretching for goals - and failing - creates moments. Recognizing others in a personal way (not programmatic) creates moments. One interesting part was how people often know what the right thing to do is, but it is much harder to quickly act on that judgment. Moments can help people find their purpose (purpose is more important than passion). And a deep connection, rather than length, is the best for relationships.

The examples used throughout are great. Things like high school students announcing where they are going to college, the couch-to-5k initiative, redesigning the MRI machine to be children friendly, and the hotel popsicle hotline. At the end of every couple chapters, there is a brief summary and application of the themes. 

This book hit home on many levels - work, personal, and as a coach. The book club also really seemed to enjoy this book. I highly recommend this for anyone.

My rating for The Power of Moments: 5 stars out of 5. Get it here!