Sunday, April 7, 2013

Quiet by Susan Cain

I'm back. It's been a full two months. Clearly I took some time off from reading. But I'm getting back into it. I recently finished two books that I was reading at the same time and I've ordered five more from Amazon that should be in any day now. With that being said, I'm going to take up writing reviews again.

Quiet has been on my radar for a while. I've never read it because I thought it was an uninteresting and somewhat depressing topic to read about. The book is about the power of introverts and offers a thousand reasons why being an introvert is not bad. The author does a wonderful job tying together the enormous amount of research that has been conducted on this topic over the years. She participated in classes and activities geared towards introverts. She met with numerous academics and leaders in the study of introverts.

The author admits she is an introvert, which maybe makes her a bit biased. However, according to research, one-third to one-half of people are introverts. Most would probably say I'm more on the introvert side of the spectrum. Although I'm in agreement with the author that you are not always an introvert or changes depending on situations.

I know this isn't the most exciting thing to read about, but the way the book is written is as entertaining as a knowledge-sharing book can be. It is not dry or boring. It provides a lot of insight into motivations and thoughts of both introverts and extroverts. I think it is really practical for considering other members of any team you may be on. Quiet was not marketed as a leadership book, but in my opinion this is one of the better leadership books out there.

My rating for Quiet: 4 stars out of 5. Get it here!

P.S. For the longest time, I've tried to figure out a way to sneak a TED talk into one of my posts. Well, Susan Cain delivered a TED talk basically about her book. Check it out.

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