Sunday, September 1, 2013

Insurgent by Veronica Roth


"People, I have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets. You believe you know them, that you understand them, but their motives are always hidden from you, buried in their own hearts. You will never know them, but sometimes you decide to trust them." ~ Tris in Insurgent

I really liked that quote. It also sums up Insurgent pretty well. After reading Divergent, I didn't think I'd continue with the trilogy. What changed? I didn't have anything better to read. And I must admit, I was a little curious as to how the story would transpire. We learned in the first book that Tris elected to switch factions. She survives initiation, but there is chaos in all the other factions. Insurgent picks up right where Divergent left off.

The factions are strategizing and fighting with each other. The leaders are withholding secrets that Tris is dying to know (and so is the reader). It seems everyone is a friend or foe at one point or another. People are constantly switching sides. The author does a great job incorporating many characters and developing each of them. Suspense builds as difficult decisions are made and the factions converge on the brink of destruction.

My complaints of the book. First, where the heck are the adults? Every kid who went through initiation - and everyone in initiation is sixteen years old - somehow becomes a leader with super secret information. I don't get it. Second, way too much love between Tobias and Tris. I can't imagine watching this on screen. I guess the female readers probably eat up this lovey-dovey stuff. Not me.

I didn't mind the simulations in this book. I'm becoming more accustomed to it, and I didn't think any of it was over the top (well, maybe near the end). But outside of that simulation, the ending was superb. I don't think it could have ended any better. We learn so much about faction history and are opened up to a whole new world. Great cliff-hanger to the next book.

My rating for Insurgent: 4.5 stars out of 5. Get it here!

P.S. Allegiant, the third and final book in the trilogy, is due out on October 22nd. Be sure to check out the "Upcoming Releases" page!

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