Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year in Review: 2011

When I began blogging this summer, I didn’t really know how this would turn out. I wasn't sure I could keep up the pace of reading one book a week. For the most part, I will commend myself and say I've done a decent job. I have reviewed 23 books this year, with an average rating of 3.6. I also had 752 page views! I think that is pretty darn impressive. Here are some books I enjoyed this year:

The Top 5
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Every Thing On It by Shel Silverstein
The Big Short by Michael Lewis
In the Plex by Steven Levy
The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Honorable Mention
Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
A Hope in the Unseen by Ron Suskind

Going forward, here are some goals for the blog in 2012:

No spoilers. When I first started, I was careless letting things slip. I’ve tried to focus on keeping the suspense when writing reviews for the past few months. I want others to enjoy the book!
Consistency. I blogged at random times on Sundays. Sometimes I missed a week. There will be a post every week – if I don’t have a book to review, I will post a reading-related topic. All reviews will be posted at 12pm (noon) on Sundays. No later. No earlier.
Focus. When I get asked what I review, I say everything. I want to try to focus on what really interests me: biographies, memoirs, stories based on true events, and some business/management related books. I will continue to read books that are recommended no matter their topic, and every once in a while I will read a good fiction book.
More previews. I will try to pay attention if an author has a book coming out soon and let people know. As soon as a book is released, I will try to review it the next week.
Mobile. My blog is now able to be viewed on mobile phones. Same content and almost the same format. Check it out. 

Lastly, I want to share that I gave away 13 books this past Christmas as gifts to some very special friends. I had a limited amount of books to give out and couldn't give to all of my friends...I only gave a book that I thought would be of interest. I wasn't giving away books randomly. Some thought this was a crazy, silly idea and laughed at me, but I think it’s actually a really good idea.

I look forward to 2012! I wonder if I will be able to review 50 books this year!?!?!


  1. Nick you are simply amazing

  2. I would like a book this Christmas please.

  3. Mrs. D - I promise you will get a book this Christmas!
