Sunday, September 18, 2016

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

This book has been on my list forever. Like years. A few older acquaintances have said Lord of the Flies was their favorite book they read in high school. Whenever people make the "favorite book" claim, I have to give it a shot.

I was skeptical going in because I'm not really a fan of classic books. I'm a pretty good reader, but older authors' writing styles and English slow me down. Generally I don't think the story lines are all that interesting either. (Sorry for being harsh if you like the classics.)

Anyways, I got about 60 pages in and gave up. It's not for me. The story is about a group of boys who awake on an island after a plane crash. There are no surviving adults, so they are left to rule themselves. The young boys try to organize to build shelter and hunt for food, but they are just young boys. That's where I fell off. Basically, this was The Hunger Games before The Hunger Games.

My rating for Lord of the Flies: 0.5 out of 5 stars. Don't get it.

P.S. I probably should have shared this sooner, but I became a member of Barnes and Noble back in July. They ask every time I go and I always said no. But I finally made the plunge (and it didn't hurt that it was a very cute, nerdy librarian type girl with glasses who asked). It costs $25 annually. With it, you get 10% off all books, 20% of hard covers, plus a plethora of annoying e-mail coupons. On that first purchase I saved $5, but sadly I haven't been back to Barnes and Noble since. I'll keep a running tally on the blog so we can see if a membership is worth it or not for me.

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