Sunday, November 6, 2016

Stranger Things on Netflix

I have not posted in a month. Truth is, I have been watching a lot of Netflix. A lot of Netflix. I have always thought of this blog as a library. The focus is books, but sometimes I will do a movie review or even a CD review (I did a CD review once). After watching the first season of Stranger Things, I felt like it deserved a spot on the blog. Plus people have mentioned somewhat of a connection / inspiration from a book called The Montauk Project.

When Stranger Things first came out, I read it was sci-fi-ish and kids were the main characters. It did not sound like my cup of tea for a tv show. I finally gave in and watched the first episode after one of my cousins recommended it a few times. I have to admit it captivated my attention. I watched the first season in a week. The last four episodes were impossible to stop watching. Sadly we will have to wait until next year for season 2.

The premise of the show is a boy mysteriously goes missing in the 1980s. His three friends, who are nerds, try to figure out what happened. His mom is hysterical (the acting is great) and has moments where she hears him. Other people start to go missing. There is a secretive government lab where no one on the outside knows what goes on on the inside. Everything converges towards the end of the season. Oh and the best part is a girl named Eleven who escapes from the government lab and has mind powers (it sounds crazy but the way it unfolds is cool).

Full disclosure - I do not watch much tv and I am in no way an expert in tv shows. But this is the best show I have watched in a while. It is scary, there is drama, and it stretches your imagination. Very well done and highly recommended.

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