Sunday, February 7, 2021

Wonder by R.J. Palacio


Apologies on the cover. I could not find a clearer picture on Google.

Wonder is a wonderful book about Auggie, a child with a severely deformed face who has been home-schooled his entire life. As he approaches 5th grade, his parents push him to go to school. Auggie is worried about how others will react to his face. He gets off to a tough start, experiencing bullying and struggling to fit in. Over time, things change and improve.

This is a great book for kids. It is easy to read and has great lessons. The book is mostly written from Auggie's perspective, but there are some parts that are written from other character's perspectives. This is probably the best feature of the book, because this kind of thinking is so critical. Getting to see how people view the same situation is very interesting. Understanding other people's point-of-views is equality as important as the main message in the book - kindness.

This was a very quick read. It was on my shelf for years. After reading lots of non-fiction, I wanted to switch gears and read something lighter. This hit the spot. It is also a movie that I heard was pretty good. I have yet to watch it as I wanted a chance to read the book first. I am a big believer in reading the book first - the book is always better!

My rating for Wonder: 4 stars out of 5. Get it here!

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