Sunday, January 31, 2021

Red Notice by Bill Browder


This is a really good book. I do not usually start posts that way, but Red Notice is a strong candidate for my "top books of 2021". I actually had this book on my radar (and my bookshelf) for a while, but I was a little worried it would be too political. I try to escape that hoopla when I read. When I saw this on my boss's boss's reading list, I figured I should open it up. I am glad I did.

Red Notice gets off to a fast start and had me hooked from the beginning. Bill Browder's grandfather was a big player in communism in the U.S., even running for President. His family is fully of smart people, particularly in mathematics. Bill struggles to find his way, deciding to pursue capitalism to be different than his family. He has a fascination with Eastern Europe, which in the very early 1990s is undergoing the fall of communism. Investment opportunities are abound, especially in Russia. Bill Browder goes on to become the largest outside investor in Russia up to 2005, until he is chased out of the country. Eventually, one of his lawyers in Russia dies in the police's custody.

The first half of the book is great. I could not put it down. The second half turns more political with Browder getting banned from Russia, the never-ending pursuit and cover-up from the Russian government, and Browder's efforts to get redemption on behalf of his murdered lawyer. It is still interesting and moves at a good pace, but it is different than the first half of the book.

I learned a lot reading this book. The transition out of a communist state is interesting. The investment opportunities. The oligarchs. Russian culture. Inner government workings, in both Russia and the U.S.. Why Americans cannot adopt Russian orphans. All very fascinating.

Lastly, Bill Browder did a great job writing this. It was very easy to read. There was humor. He did a wonderful job describing scenes and conversations. I felt on the edge of my seat wondering what happened next.

My rating for Red Notice: 5 stars out of 5. Get it here!

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